Natasha Surti
Run your week off right 🥯☕️
🍽Where I went: Bagels & Schmear
✔️What I got: Everything Bagel with Scallion Cream Cheese
💰What I paid: ~ $5
🤔What I think:
Everyone knows there is a lot of debate on the best bagel place in NYC… my personal favorite out of all the ones I’ve had so far has to be Bagels & Schmear. The benchmark of a good bagel is one that can be eaten completely plain and untoasted. I have tried their bagels plain and can confirm they taste amazing even on their own. That being said it only gets better when you toast it and add on a healthy amount of cream cheese..
what are your thoughts on breakfast in NYC.. do you prefer getting a bagel with cream cheese or a breakfast sandwich (or both of them combined)?

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